Blackberry Photo Happy ~Mom Blog~ | Mom Blog: written by a teacher-mom, but not just for moms- a blog for everyone

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blackberry Photo Happy ~Mom Blog~

I am always using my Blackberry to snap photos of Hudson camera happy mom here. Typically it is when I am bored and I say, "Hmmm... let me see if I can get a photo of that." Sometimes I will attempt to snap photos that include me, as well. If I am lucky, they will actually turn out okay well, sort of okay. Unfortunately, my Blackberry is not snapping very clear photos.  To be honest, I should be using my regular camera. On second thought, that camera is not all that great either well, not of the quality I would like. I would really like to buy a new camera, one that can get great action shots, one that snaps photos of professional clarity.

I also recently bought some photo software to add backgrounds to some of my images.  Today I am simply practicing inserting the photos to see what kind of end result I can get.  Here is a sample.  I snapped these photos on the front porch yesterday.

You will have to excuse the no make-up, no hair fixed, sleep deprived Mommy, but hey, I am smiling.

1 comment:

momof2 said...

awww cutie pie! I often just have my droid phone when I wish I had a camera. You are doing much better than me ... my photos never get any further than my phone!

Following you from MBC
